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The Science Department​ gives its awards to students who exemplify creativity, innate curiosity, and passion for different scientific disciplines, and who embody the outstanding work, integrity, and perseverance of the scientific community.

The Science Department would like to recognize our outstanding freshmen science students with the ​Spark Award​ for their enthusiasm and aptitude for advanced science. This year’s recipients are:
Makenna Boye

Allison Bussard

Angelina Caviness

Sophia Haynes

Grant Kleiber
Maddy Kleiber
Alex Knight
Aurora Koontz
Chris Rojas
Alejandro Salazar

Sunita Sangraula

Sophia Smolenski

Rithika Thummalapenta

Vincent Vuong


The Science Department award for excellence in the Biological Sciences, including ​Anatomy and Physiology​, is presented to
Brian Bandy
Adrianna Fitzgerald

The Science Department award for highest honors in​ AP Biology​ is presented to 

Chelsea Ackman
Michael Lee

For outstanding performance in ​IB Environmental Systems and Societies​. We congratulate 

Joshua Fleischner
Alexis Lee

This year the IB and AP students exemplifying great persistence and scientific curiosity include

Yujin Chun
Alicia Dante
Dylan Fitzgerald

Reese Gautsche

Florence Lasut

Kimberly Marfo

Miranda Sheinbaum

Luis Vargas


On behalf of the American Chemical Society, we honor this year’s ​OUTSTANDING CHEMISTRY STUDENT​S
Annabel Fuina
Gashon Hussein

The ​Colorado School of Mines’ medal of achievement​ is awarded to a junior who has demonstrated a high level of learning and achievement in the areas of math and science. This year, we recognize ​Lydia Shimelis-Balay​.


The following students are recognized for their outstanding performance in two or more areas of science ...

The ​MARIE CURIE SCIENCE AWARD​ for outstanding performance in physics and chemistry is presented to

Megan Lie

Anh Nguyen

The​ RICHARD FEYNMAN AWARD​, celebrating insight into the physical world, but done with a playful spirit, goes to
Gabe Gould
Eric Sobczak

Keshav Vembar

Smoky Hill’s highest recognition in science, the ​ALBERT EINSTEIN AWARD​, is presented to students who have excelled in all scientific areas. This year's recipients are
Annalise Gray
Miller Vu

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